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System Analysis &
Mathematical Modeling
Издается с 2019 года

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Shaping of Magnetospheric Disturbances by System Behaviour of Geomagnetic Tail

Moldavanov A.V., PhD in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Engineer, Belkin International Inc, Los-Angeles, USA, trandrei8@gmail.com
В рубрике:
Год: 2022 Том: 4 Номер журнала: 4
Страницы: 302-316
Тип статьи: Научная статья
УДК: 53.02
DOI: 10.17150/2713-1734.2022.4(4).302-316
Development of magnetospheric substorm from standpoint of energy evolution in geomagnetic tail is considered. In this approach, geomagnetic tail is taken to be an open thermodynamic system with infinite number of conservation energy links to external space environment. Self-consistent general theory of energy evolution in such system was presented earlier. In contrast to existing models of substorm development, presented model suggests believing that development is a combined effect of two influence factors. The first one is the traditional southward turn of interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) Bz resulting in the intensification of energy exchange between the tail and externals. The second agent is determined by physics of energy evolution in abovementioned system leading to the well-known structure of substorm. Intercoupling between these agents can produce different forms of magnetospheric activity including substorms. Explanation of essentials for system mechanisms beyond the known substorm signatures and comparison with the typical substorm features is also provided.
Ключевые слова: geomagnetic tail, energy evolution, probabilistic mechanism, thermodynamic system, substorm phase
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